Beaded jewelry is a great way to dress up a casual outfit or to make a dressy outfit even more special. Beaded necklaces in particular are great pieces to wear and are often very versatile. There are a few different types of beaded necklaces.
Beaded necklaces often feature a simple string of beads without any added embellishments. A pearl necklace is an example of this, though sometimes pearls may be combined with other beads to create a more visually interesting necklace. In addition to simply finding beads on a beaded necklace, other items such as charms, pendants, crystals or gemstones may be added. The necklaces also vary in shape -- they may be short, like a choker, or a longer strand of beads. Lariatdesigns are also popular.
Glass beads are often used when making beaded necklaces because they are relatively sturdy and visually appealing. Glass beads will shine in light, making them very eye-catching. A necklace may be made of all one color of glass beads, glass beads from different colors but from the same color family, or from all different colors and shapes of beads. The beauty of glass beads is that they tend to work well together and complement other colors; a multicolored glass beaded necklace will look nice with almost any outfit.
Plastic beads may also be used to create beaded necklaces, because they are more lightweight and inexpensive. Plastic beads will usually be mixed in with other beads of higher quality, such as glass or stone; you will rarely see an entire necklace made out of plastic beads except those for children. Plastic beads are also used as spacers, to create a space between larger beads, and as crimped end beads at the end of the strand to prevent the other beads from falling off.
Beading kits for children will generally contain plastic beads, which is a good way for children to learn to create beaded necklaces. It is not difficult to create beaded necklaces -- a trip to the craft store will outfit you with everything you need. This includes beading thread or beading wire, which is designed to be sturdy enough to hold heavy beads; clasps; crimp beads to place at the end of the strand and spacers to put in between; crimping pliers; a needle to thread the beads; and of course whichever beads you choose. You will then only need to string the beads and attach the clasp for a beautiful, one of a kind necklace.
Beaded necklaces are great pieces to add to your accessory collection because they are so versatile and because there are virtually limitless possibilities. They are available in any size, color, style, length or design you can imagine and can be dressy or casual. A few different types of beaded jewelry in your collection will become some of your favorite pieces.