How can I Build a Jewelry Wardrobe?

Views : 469
Author : Peter Zhang
Update time : 2019-12-04 15:04:46

A jewelry wardrobe is much like a clothing wardrobe. It's a collection of pieces carefully select to reflect your taste, style and who you are. You can build a jewelry wardrobe by collecting special pieces of jewelry to wear with your clothing wardrobe.

The first thing to consider when planning a jewelry wardrobe is what you really love. What would you wear if money didn’t matter? Would you drip in diamonds or glimmer in gold? If you're not sure what jewelry you really love, take some time to browse through jewelry websites, catalogs and stores. After a while, you'll probably notice a pattern forming of what styles of jewelry you love rather than simply think is attractive.

The next consideration in jewelry wardrobe planning is your budget. If you love expensive jewelry, but can't afford it you can still buy costume jewelry in similar styles while saving money to buy quality pieces. Choose the best costume jewelry you can afford.


Looking at the current pieces of jewelry that you wear is a good idea when planning a jewelrywardrobe. Most people tend to wear jewelry pieces regularly because they both love them and those pieces work well with their clothing styles. If you think about each piece you tend to wear often as to why you wear it often, that can help guide you into creating a jewelry wardrobe that you'll get a lot of use out of.

A jewelry wardrobe is meant for you to wear often, just as a clothing wardrobe. If you don't put thought and analysis into planning it, the pieces may end up unused at the bottom of your jewelrybox and that's not the point. Plan and choose jewelry that you'll wear often in different combinations to accent your favorite clothing pieces.

Buy the best quality you can afford, whether it's costume or gemstones. Before you buy any jewelry, ask yourself if you really love it and if it makes a statement about who you are and the image you want to project about yourself. If the answers are yes, you've got a great piece to start your jewelry wardrobe on and you can keep building a mix and match collection of jewelry piece by piece!

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